Deadly Audi R8 Crash

Submitted on 02/07/2023 by: fiondemilou
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Accident Italy 42,911 views


Fatal accident on Rome's Raccordo Anulare, a young man driving an Audi R8 crashes at nearly 300 km/h, all captured on video by the friend beside the driver. The video also includes footage of a newly overtaken motorist overtaking at the scene of the tragic accident.

The boy driver, of ROM origin, died in the emergency room of the Tor Vergata Polyclinic while the friend at his side was admitted to the Policlinico Casilino and is not in life-threatening condition. The debris from the Audi R8, however, also hit another car where a pregnant woman was driving, who was also admitted to the Policlinico Casilino, fortunately in a yellow code: doctors verified that both she and her baby were okay and discharged her.

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