British Tourist Falls On Rocks In Tenerife

Submitted on 04/22/2024 by: Wicked
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Accident 113,621 views

This is the sickening moment a cliff jumper misjudges his leap into the abyss and crashes onto rocks at a notorious beauty spot in Tenerife as British tourist pals watch on in horror.

The 40-year-old man was stretchered away from a sea cave called Charco El Tancon in Puerto Santiago in northern Tenerife on Monday afternoon, having sustained 'serious injuries' to his legs.

Footage of the brutal injury that emerged overnight showed a group of men believed to be friends of the holidaymaker counting down from five before he launched himself into the air.

But the man leapt too far, overshooting the sea and smashing feet-first onto the rocks surrounding the pool dozens of feet below.

The witnesses could be overheard reacting in shock and terror as the unfortunate jumper made contact with the rocks before rebounding into the water with clear signs his injuries included at least one broken leg.

Some appeared to have performed the same leap moments earlier and were still in the water when the victim suffered his stomach-turning accident.

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