Man Shot 15 Times, Killed In Mexico

Submitted on 04/22/2024 by: Wicked
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Shooting Mexico 14,471 views

The armed attack took place in the Granjas Familiares neighborhood of Tijuana next to the parking lot of a Calimax store . The audiovisual material shows the moment in which a subject aboard a gray Volkswagen Golf vehicle leaves the store's parking lot. and stops to the side.

Subsequently, it is observed that two subjects, one in a black jacket and the other in a brown/green jacket, approach walking, the one in the light jacket approaches the driver's window, takes the gun and begins to shoot, while the one in the black jacket approaches. and starts shooting from the other side of the vehicle.

After committing the murder, the hitmen began to run away. The incident occurred last Monday. The subject died immediately. The man was approximately 30 years old and had received 15 gunshot wounds.

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