*** ASIAN DEAD 3*** . Forensic photos(police) of murdered Asian. (video slideshow)

Submitted on 02/01/2025 by: zeppelin666
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*** DEAD ASIAN 3 ***

(Serie that I make by montage(editing) videos, from photos)

Medico legal photos , by Police .Video slideshow

For the first woman:

The only information (issue des photos medico légales) is that she received multiple stab wounds, and that she was 23 years old.

For the second:

The woman was found by an employee near Xiangyang East station (Xiangzhou, China - 2014).

Inside a large bag was the headless body of the woman.

The head, also eviscerated, was no longer found.

Her identity remains unknown.

Music : Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights -

_ 720p_ Hd quality _



If you want more ...

_ * ASIAN DEAD 1 *


_ ** ASIAN DEAD 2 **


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