Drop The Knife ! Thug Fatally Shot By NYPD Cop

Submitted on 11/21/2024 by: Wicked
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A 65-year-old, knife-wielding man killed by NYPD officers in Queens shrugged off a blast from a taser and turned toward a group of people before he was fatally shot in the back, body-worn camera footage released by the state attorney general’s office Friday shows.

The two officers involved in the incident were not disciplined by the NYPD. The state attorney general’s office released the body camera footage as it continues its investigation into the matter.

“Yo! Drop the f—ing knife!” one officer screamed at Jesus Alberto Nunez Reyes as he threatened a woman while holding a small knife with a yellow handle at his side during the April 20 clash on Roosevelt Ave. near 103rd St. in Corona.

The two officers were patrolling Roosevelt Ave. about 4:20 a.m. when the heated argument between Reyes and a 49-year-old woman caught their attention.

Body camera footage shows the cops being directed to Reyes, wearing a hooded sweatshirt, as he argued with the woman in Spanish near a KFC. Several people were standing nearby as the two argued.

The officers, their weapons drawn, told Reyes to drop his knife more than 10 times, but he wouldn’t comply, the footage shows. Instead, he briefly glared at the officers before turning to the woman, though never raising the knife.

One of the cops fired a taser at Reyes, but he turned to his side just as the prongs deployed.

After more repeated commands, Reyes turned and walked away from the woman and the officers toward three people standing nearby, while still holding the knife.

One of the officers fired his gun three times, hitting Reyes in the back as the people he was walking toward scrambled out of the way. The last shot was fired after Reyes had already fallen face down onto the sidewalk.

EMS rushed Reyes to Elmhurst Hospital, where he died. The woman was not injured and was questioned by detectives, cops said.

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