Pickleball player kicks opponent in the face after losing match point

Submitted on 11/21/2024 by: Wicked
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Pickleball may be a relatively new sport, but that hasn’t stopped players from taking their games seriously.

In a recent video posted on X (formerly Twitter), one player is seen viciously kicking his opponent in the face after losing. The man drops to the floor, apparently unconscious, before struggling to his feet moments later.

“This video is absolutely insane,” The Kitchen Pickleball captioned the video on X. “It occurred after championship point from a tournament this weekend and the man that was assaulted, Peter Shonk, shared this video with us to post and wants everyone to know that he is OK.

“While I understand things get heated at tournaments this behavior is disgusting and completely unacceptable. I love pickleball as much as anyone I know but at the end of the day…it’s just pickleball. Thankful that Peter wasn’t seriously injured.”

The clip shows Shonk scoring the game-winning point in his pickleball match. However, when the two teams shake hands, Shonk knocks the paddle out of his opponent’s hand. Shonk then bends down to pick up the paddle, leaning over the net, when the other man kicks him in the face.

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