A car crashes into funeral tent

Submitted on 01/02/2025 by: menoraquiles
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Accident Vietnam 37,371 views

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1735665616LWlZHTT6JqL6Ug.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1735665617Rrj-Pg3FR4pbGw.webp

On the afternoon of December 31, a 5-seat car suddenly crashed into a funeral tent set up on the roadside at a new 5-way intersection in Ke Sat town, Binh Giang district, Hai Duong province. At that time, there were two rowWS of tables with more than 10 people sitting and talking in the theater.

The car crashed into the two tables, many people and furniture in the outer row were thrown away. According to witnesses at the scene, at least 5 people were seriously injured and were taken to the emergency room.

After the incident, the car driver left the scene.

Traffic police of Binh Giang district police arrived to handle the accident and regulate traffic.

According to the Road Traffic Law, people are only allowed to set up wedding and funeral tents on the sidewalk, not on the road.

The tent set up time must not exceed 48 hours, and in special cases, it must not exceed 72 hours.

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