Pedro`s Explosive Suicide Mission

Submitted on 09/19/2024 by: Wicked
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Accident Brazil 16,221 views

On the morning of this Tuesday 17/09 at around 6:40 the military police of the western city were called to go to the Parque Araguari neighborhood in a condominium, according to information, a large explosion had started from an apartment, residents close to the place where the explosion started went to the street fearing that something worse would happen.

With the arrival of the military police, neighbors already outside the building reported that a large explosion had occurred in one of the apartments. The police immediately observed that there was no apparent fire and entered the building to find out what had happened. They found that the explosion came from apartment 203 inside the property, which was completely destroyed. The police found the body of a man later identified as Pedro Henrique Marques dos Santos, 23 years old, lying on the floor near the entrance to the apartment, without his upper limbs, head and arms.

Pedro was wearing a fanny pack tied around his waist and had some R$50 bills scattered across the floor. During a brief search of the apartment, the police were able to identify the possible source of the explosion. The police found gunpowder removed from small bombs, still inside the property. Small bombs were found near the body and others were dismantled. Pedro Henrique was dismantling the small bombs to make a bigger one when the explosion occurred.

In conversation with the building's building manager and a resident of the upper floor, he informed the police that the man found dead, a resident of the apartment, had been behaving differently a few days earlier. The building manager also said that Pedro had rented the apartment for approximately one month and that in the early hours of September 16th he had been throwing firecrackers on the street and running into the house.

The building manager also said that he had called the owner of the apartment where the victim was renting to report the tenant's behavior, and to the surprise of the residents on Tuesday morning there was a huge explosion that took the man's life.

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