Rampage In Oklahoma

Submitted on 05/22/2024 by: Wicked
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Oklahoma City police have arrested a man accused of crashing into a southeast metro club, vehicles and a home nearby.

Gary Fry is facing two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon and one count of malicious injury to property.

Witnesses told police that while Fry was being escorted out he stated that he was going to drive his car into the building and threatened the life of one witness.

“It was very scary and we were very concerned for our customers,” said Passtime Club manager Deborah Bass. “It was very much a flipped switch.”

Bass showed News 4 employees video of a red truck, she said Fry was driving, crashing into vehicles in the parking lot, nearly running over bystanders and crashing into the entrance to the club.

“One of my customers had just gotten in the door when she felt it and it rocked the front side of our building,” said Bass.

Court documents verify Bass’ account, saying witnesses showed police video of a red flatbed truck running into vehicles and the building.

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