Another Work Accident In China

Submitted on 06/27/2024 by: Wicked
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Accident China 14,251 views

A woman experienced moments of terror while working at a textile factory in China , when what seemed like an ordinary workday turned into a nightmare. The employee was trapped inside a machine that was packaging textiles , an event that was captured by the factory's security cameras.

The accident occurred on June 22, although the recordings were only recently made public. In the video, the woman can be seen calmly working with a machine that rolled textile materials.

An oversight was enough for the employee to be suddenly 'sucked' by the machine, spinning rapidly and being wrapped in the fabrics.

In the 17-second video, the woman's desperate attempts to free herself are observed, as well as her cries for help, which quickly cease, suggesting that she may have lost consciousness.

What is most striking is that the woman was not entirely alone, since at the back of the warehouse another employee can be seen entering another part of the same warehouse.

Until now, the health status of the woman who was trapped in the textile machine is unknown.

However, the comments in the video emphasize the lack of safety regulations, such as a puddle of water very close to the machine where the woman worked, "That is why it is so cheap to manufacture in China. "There is no security in the factories, which significantly reduces costs,"

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