Man Defending GF Gets Hammered By Psycho

Submitted on 08/22/2024 by: Wicked
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In Novosibirsk, a man with a hammer attacked a visitor to a flower shop in the Pervomaysky district. The guy stood up for his girlfriend, after which a scuffle began. The attacker has already been charged with attempted murder and a preventive measure has been chosen. Details of the story are in the material .

A terrible story happened on the evening of August 16 in a flower shop on Geroev Revolyutsii Street in the Pervomaysky District. A man beat the boyfriend of a female salesperson with a hammer. The incident was reported on the Telegram channel "Moya Pervomayka|Obshchenie". In addition, the incident was captured on a CCTV camera located in the store.

"An attack on Geroev Revolutsii, 16 in a flower shop. I went in for beer, everything was quiet. The massacre began at 19:30. The guy stood up for his girlfriend, the man apparently didn't like it," the Novosibirsk resident noted.

A drunken troublemaker struck a young man several times with a hammer.

The video shows a saleswoman and her boyfriend standing in the flower shop. At some point, a man with a hammer flies in and starts throwing it at the guy. The Siberian hits him one after another, the girl tries to stop him, and the guy falls to the floor and asks for help.

After some time, passers-by and sellers from nearby shops notice the carnage. They stop the troublemaker and take the hammer from him. After that, the man leaves.

After the incident was published on social networks, a friend of the guy and the saleswoman named Victoria responded in the comments. The Novosibirsk resident said that the young man came to his beloved at work because she felt ill. He brought her medicine and decided to stay for a bite to eat.

"They wanted to tie me up and torture me." Drunk men beat up a teenager and his sister"This man comes up. He greets my friend, starts reaching out to the guy, who calmly replies: "Sorry, but I'm eating and can't shake hands because I'm busy." In response, the man sends him away, knocks the food out of his hands and starts tugging at his clothes, and then a fight ensues," the Siberian woman described what happened.

According to Victoria, the guy pushed the man out of the flower department. However, the troublemaker returned with a hammer.

Also in the comments, a saleswoman, Daria S., responded, noting that the aggressive man was a regular customer at the flower shop.

"This man extended his dirty hand to him, the guy said that when a person is eating, it is not customary to shake hands. The man immediately responded: "Well, go away." He grabbed the guy by the collar and started to pull, the young man pushed him out of the department," the girl confirmed.

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