2 Suspects Shot After Chase In Milwaukee

Submitted on 01/25/2024 by: Wicked
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The police shooting happened following a chase of a stolen vehicle wanted in a shooting the day before near 29th and St. Paul that left a 20-year-old injured.

Officers who were in a marked squad activated their lights and siren early Dec. 7 to conduct a high-risk traffic stop of the observed vehicle. At that time, the driver in the vehicle fled the scene and a police chase was initiated.

During the police chase, the SUV being pursued was being driven the wrong way in lanes -- with traffic coming at them. Speeds reached up to 80 miles per hour during this pursuit.

Officers deployed a tire deflation device near 68th and Hampton. That disabled the vehicle. The driver eventually crashed near 52nd and Hampton. Two suspects fled the vehicle -- one was armed with a firearm, the body camera video shows.

Officers then pursued the suspects on foot into a fenced-in backyard with heavy brush. The armed suspect was given repeated instructions to drop the weapon. Two officers then discharged their service weapons, striking the armed man and causing him to drop his weapon.

Officers continued to give commands to both suspects -- and directed the one who was still standing to come forward. He was arrested. Officers provided medical attention to both men – one who suffered critical injuries.

A gun was found near one of the suspects.

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