Man shot, 7-Eleven ransacked during destructive Vallejo sideshow

Submitted on 03/01/2024 by: Wicked
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A sideshow got out of hand in Vallejo on Sunday and led to a brawl, shooting and looting of a nearby 7-Eleven store.

Neighbors are upset over the police response. Police staffing in Vallejo has been an issue for some time, but community members say the recent response for service is as bad as they have seen it.

Surveillance video shows dozens of teens and young adults rushing into a Vallejo 7-Eleven at Springs Road and Rollingwood Drive on Sunday. Police say the location, which now has plywood covering a broken out window, was ransacked and items were stolen by some of those who went inside.

But that is only part of what happened. Police and witnesses say everything started during a sideshow at this intersection in front of the store.

Video shows people jumping on top of the truck as the crowd went after the driver. A fight even broke out in the area. At least two people were injured according to police - one of them struck by a bullet. One of the two ran into the 7-Eleven for help. Witnesses tell us the crowd chased after that man.

As this happened, witnesses say others set the man's truck on fire. All this before police even arrived.

Neighbors are fearful and chose not to show their face when we spoke with them Monday. One woman says she called police and officers didn't arrive for at least 40 minutes.

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