Never Buy Playstation From Marketplace In Argentina

Submitted on 11/19/2024 by: Wicked
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Robbery Argentina 11,571 views

A young man agreed to buy a PlayStation on social media , but it was all a scam. When he arrived at the place, he was ambushed, along with his neighbor, who drove him in his car, and they stole everything they had. After that, the thieves escaped, but not before they said a chilling phrase: “They saw our faces, shoot them shitless . ”

It all happened this Tuesday around 9:30 p.m. in the 16 de Abril neighborhood of Córdoba . According to information provided by one of the victims, they had arrived at the site after coordinating a purchase through Marketplace , the Facebook sales site .

The boy had asked his neighbour to take him there to pick up the product and assured him that he knew the area. The entire sequence was recorded by the camera that the vehicle had on the windshield.

In the images, it can be seen that the buyer was talking to the alleged seller until the latter finally began to attack him and his accomplices arrived immediately.

“I agreed to take a neighbor who had asked me if I could help him pick up a Playstation he bought online,” Ramiro, the driver of the vehicle, told El Doce and added: “When we arrived, on Calingasta Street and Public Avenue, I saw that the area was getting ugly and I asked him if he knew exactly where it was because it was a dangerous neighborhood. He told me to stay calm because he knew the seller.”

However, when they arrived, the situation turned strange. “A kid approached, I rolled down the window and he started talking to my neighbor, but two seconds later he was already threatening me and he left. We started to struggle, but then I realized that there were four kids surrounding the car. Even one on the other side who grabbed my neighbor,” he continued.

Both the driver and his passenger were forced to get out, leaving a completely distraught minor in the back seat, who soon after ended up getting out alone.

At a certain point the car was empty and the rest of the sequence took place outside the vehicle: “There were four kids, all minors. The crazy thing is that one of them told the other that we had already seen their faces, that he should shoot us. It was a horrible moment,” he lamented.

One of the criminals managed to get into the car, but he couldn't start it, so he gave up and ended up getting out. However, they still took everything they saw on hand: cell phones, wallets and backpacks.

Ramiro, for his part, was suspicious of his neighbor's attitude because of how the robbery took place. "I doubt everyone. Because I warned him that it was a dangerous area, but he told me to trust him. I don't even know if the purchase was made," he said, and said that in addition to robbing him, he was hit twice in the head and back with a rifle butt.

“They took my cell phone and a backpack. When they realized they couldn’t start the car, they ran into the shantytown. The police had me running around for about two hours to file a complaint. It was embarrassing. Now I’m honestly afraid to go out on the street ,” the boy concluded.

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