UK police respond to 'man firing machine gun from balcony

Submitted on 04/22/2020 by: People_Hater111
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A man in his 30s has been arrested after armed police were deployed near a shopping centre in Kent to reports of a man on a balcony firing weapons.

Witnesses and videos on social media appear to show a man on a balcony firing a machine gun.

Kent Police said a man had been arrested on suspicion of firearms offences and officers have found four imitation firearms.

Another video circulating on social media that appears to be from the scene showed a witness pointing out a man on a balcony.

He says: "He's up there. He's up there sitting on that yellow thing with a machine gun, a handgun and a rifle."

Kent Police said: "Kent Police was called at 8.35am on Wednesday 22 April 2020 to a disturbance at a flat on Dock Head Road, Chatham.

"Members of the public reported seeing a man on a balcony with weapons and patrols, including armed officers, attended the scene. "The police helicopter was also deployed and a man in 30s has now been arrested on suspicion of firearms offences.

"Patrols remain at the scene where officers have located four suspected imitation firearms as part of their enquiries."

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