Two Brothers Police Officers Executed

Submitted on 11/25/2024 by: Wicked
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Shooting Ecuador 95,571 views

A violent armed attack shocked the Las Cumbres sector in Manta, where two men were murdered in a hitman style . The victims were traveling in a vehicle that was completely perforated by multiple bullet impacts.

The victims are believed to be brothers and are named Marlon Mero and José Javier Mero. Initially, it was reported that they were police officers.

According to residents, the men were reportedly shot more than eighty times.

Minutes later, a burning vehicle was reported that was allegedly used by the criminals to commit the crime.

This fact adds to the growing wave of violence affecting Manabí, one of the provinces hardest hit by organized crime. To date, 280 homicides have been recorded in Manta, Montecristi and Jaramijó during 2024

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