Officer Slams Teen Girl on The Ground

Submitted on 09/26/2023 by: fasteddie1212000
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Chaos at a high school football game left a 16-year-old girl in the hospital after she was thrown to the ground by a police officer.

A police officer is being accused of body-slamming a 16-year-old student.

Authorities say they were responding to a brawl in a parking lot at a high school in Victorville, California during a football game. They say an officer fired pepper balls at the ground to try to break up the fight.

The crowd then started “moving toward the deputy,” authorities say. More officers arrived and another pepper ball was fired. While the brawl continues, the teen was taken down.

The teen’s mother, Priscilla Jeffers, says she arrived on the scene to see her daughter, Faith, on the ground.

“I thought she was dead,” Jeffers tells Inside Edition. “Just the way he threw her. He threw her with, he threw her with all his force. I thought it was a rag or a sweater that he was just tossing to the floor.”

Faith was taken to the hospital and later released. She says she fractured her arm and her spine.

The Victorville Police Department says, “a 16-year-old female grabbed a pepper ball launcher. A deputy pulled the female away causing her to land on the ground.”

The teen says she did not do anything to provoke the police officers.

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