Armed Police Shooting At Daniel Hannam After a Series Of Shooting Rampages In Castle Cary

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Shooting United Kingdom 11,351 views

23 January 2019.

A jury has convicted a 32-year-old man of using a firearm to endanger the lives of police officers during a series of shooting incidents in Castle Cary described in court as a “rampage”.

Daniel Hannam, of no fixed address, used an illegally-held shotgun and cartridges to fire at two officers in the early hours of Wednesday 23 January, as they tried to get inside a property in Park Street, Castle Cary, in order to arrest him.

It followed an incident earlier in the evening in which Hannam tried to carry out a burglary at a McColl’s shop, during which he shot twice at a door, and another incident in which he tried to kidnap a man after getting into his car while armed with a shotgun.

Hannam admitted charges of possessing a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence, making use of a firearm with intent to resist arrest, attempted kidnap, and attempted burglary.

But after hearing all the evidence, a jury at Bristol Crown Court has cleared him of two counts of attempted murder. He was convicted of possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life. He is expected to be sentenced later this week.


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