Denver officer chasing down suspect before exchange of gunfire

Submitted on 06/28/2023 by: Wicked
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At about 7:30 p.m., a ShotSpotter alert for suspected shots fired was dispatched for the area of MLK Boulevard and Cherry Street, police said.

Two police officers, with District 2, responded to the scene about two minutes later. A person matching a suspect description was found at 7:33 p.m. and fled on a scooter, Clark said, while police pursued in a patrol vehicle. The pursuit later became a foot chase, ending at MLK and Forest.

The video shows an officer chasing the juvenile suspect, grasping his handgun in both hands and yelling profanity-laced commands. Clark said the juvenile fired “at least once at the officer” before the officer returned fire.

Video shows the officer fire a burst of successive shots and the juvenile drops to the ground. It is not clear in the video when the juvenile fired.

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