Huge rock had fallen on woman during landside

Submitted on 02/26/2024 by: mrqr
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(A post about this incident was made 6 days ago, but it only had images, not a video)

News Article:

The citizen was on her way home after finishing her workday.

A sad event occurred last Wednesday, February 14th at kilometer 30+050 on the Medellín-Atlantic Coast highway, specifically in the Hatillo sector, arriving at Alto de Matasanos, where a 53-year-old woman lost her life.

The victim identified as Sonia Restrepo, was getting off the public bus service company Coonorte, when minutes after descending, a landslide accompanied by large boulders occurred, which took the woman's life.

Emergency responders arrived at the site, including firefighters from Barbosa and Donmatías as well as officials from the Vías del Nus concession who were in charge of removing the stones and retrieving the victim's body.

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