Deranged Man Drives Thru Parade Route

Submitted on 10/22/2023 by: fasteddie1212000
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The driver who panicked crowds and sent Rose Festival paradegoers diving for cover was overtaken by a fit of rage when he encountered a series of closed interstate exits and traffic blocking his path, a dashcam video shows.

“They got it all blocked off! The Lloyd Center exit! The Convention Center exit! Every exit!” Sidney Mecham screams, adding a flurry of profanity and a chorus of honks, according to the video from his truck. The Oregonian/OregonLive obtained a copy of the footage from prosecutors under a public records request.

Mecham remains in custody at the Inverness Jail in Northeast Portland on reckless driving charges in the June 10 parade-crashing. A Multnomah County Circuit Court judge denied bail to the 42-year-old from St. Helens during a hearing in August.

Mecham’s dashboard cameras captured his pickup plowing through a series of traffic cones and then driving over a curb and onto the sloped shoulder covered in vegetation at the Broadway-Weidler Street exit on northbound Interstate 5 just before 10 a.m., prosecutors say.

The Rose Festival Grand Floral Parade was just about to begin and thousands of people had gathered along the 2-mile route.

After crashing past the first set of Oregon Department of Transportation barricades, Mecham sent children and clowns playing on Weidler Street scurrying for cover, with an accompaniment of sirens and thumping bass from his own stereo playing a song by the Atlanta rapper Yelawolf, the video shows.

Mecham then turned his silver Chevy Avalanche onto Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

Officer David Bauer drove his police motorcycle into the path of the truck and motioned for Mecham to pull over, according to a memo written by prosecutors. Bauer said Mecham ignored his orders and instead accelerated.

“I’m trying to get out of here,” Mecham says, according to the video.

Mecham drove over more chairs and barricades as he sped along Northeast Wasco Street, the video shows. A police car tried to stop him at a nearby intersection where he was caught in traffic at a light, but Mecham continued his wild ride before eventually pulling over near Northeast 24th Avenue and Clackamas Street, where he was arrested, according to the prosecutors’ memo.

He faces nearly 40 criminal charges, including multiple counts of reckless driving and hit-and-run property damage, as well as about two dozen traffic violations.

No injuries were reported during the scare, and the parade was held as planned.

Mecham has previous citations for driving uninsured, speeding and making an unlawful turn, court records show.

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