Colombian Worker Survives Electrocution

Submitted on 02/13/2024 by: Wicked
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Accident Colombia 10,941 views


A work accident left a Claro contractor seriously injured in Bogotá. In events that occurred on the morning of this Thursday, February 8, 2024, a man suffered an electric shock.

Health emergency due to influenza virus at the General José María Córdova Military Cadet School in Bogotá - credit Álvaro Tavera/Colprensa

The Claro contractor who was almost electrocuted in the north of Bogotá fell into the void from the pole where he was carrying out the work. Thanks to the harness that secured him, he did not fall to the ground, but remained suspended in the air.

Although the official linked to the contractor Sicte was left alive, the truth is that the electric shock was so strong that he had to be transferred by ambulance to a medical center in the country's capital.

The emergency was attended to by units of the Bogotá Fire Department, who arrived at the site after the emergency call to line 123 made by the residents of the sector

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