Man Killed By Parachutist at Aviation Event

Submitted on 10/08/2023 by: thiagoeler
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Man dies after being hit by parachutist at aviation event in the interior of SP

Parachutist lost control of the equipment during the presentation and landed in the area intended for the public, in Itápolis (SP). In addition to the victim, two other people and the parachutist were injured, but their health status was not disclosed.

By g1 Bauru and Marília

A man died and three other people were injured after they were hit by a parachutist during an aviation event, in Itápolis (SP) , this Saturday afternoon (7).

During the “Itápolis Aero Music Festival”, eight parachutists jumped from a plane during a performance, but one of them lost control of the equipment and landed in the area where the audience was (see the video below).

A man was hit by the parachutist, hit his head and died at the scene. His name was not given.

Two other people affected were rescued and taken to the Santa Casa de Itápolis emergency room, in addition to the parachutist. There are no details about the health status of the injured.

In a statement, the event organizers said that the festival complies with ANAC and Fire Department standards. He also said that, despite the accident, the event was not cancelled.

The police must investigate the causes of the accident to identify those responsible.

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