"Murder Suicide" Caught on Tape - by 'Off Duty' Citizens

Submitted on 12/13/2024 by: fasteddie1212000
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EAGLE PASS, Texas — The Eagle Pass Police Department is investigating a murder-suicide that occurred Wednesday evening.

According to Eagle Pass Police Chief Federico Garza, at around 08:00 PM police responded to investigate a shooting at the Popeyes restaurant in the 2100 block of E. Main St.

When police arrived, the deceased bodies of a man and woman were found laying outside the restaurant with gunshot wounds.

Witnesses say the man, whose identity has not been made public, was seen fatally shooting the woman before turning the gun on himself.

Videos of the tragic event were filmed by several locals who were passing through the busy intersection.

The preliminary investigation indicates the woman was a Popeyes employee and resided in Piedras Negras. Her and the suspect are believed to have been romantically involved at some point, but it has not been confirmed.

The restaurant and other businesses nearby were temporarily closed while police conducted an investigation.

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