Police look for ‘3 stooges’ caught on video slipping and falling during armed robbery of a Popeyes

Submitted on 01/26/2024 by: Wicked
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Police are looking for a “Larry, Curly and Moe” trio who skid and slid their way into an armed robbery of a Texas fast-food joint.

The masked suspects threatened employees of a Beaumont, Texas, Popeyes Chicken with handguns and demanded money shortly before 9 a.m. on New Year’s Eve, police said.

Their slippery slope into criminal life started with a tumble from the first suspect. Then, the second one tripped over him.

The third suspect looked like a new skater on the ice for the first time, but he regained his balance in time to avoid the human pile of burglars.

“Larry, Curly and Moe (caught on video below) went slipping and sliding into Popeyes on Phelan armed with handguns, threatening employees and demanding money,” police said.

“We understand that they’re masked up, but they’re wearing pretty distinctive clothing.”

The suspects are later seen in the video grabbing an unknown amount of money before taking off.

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