Rape suspect leaves prison and is beaten and burned alive by the victim's family in Greater Goiânia

Submitted on 06/27/2024 by: Wicked
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A man, identified as Carlos Henrique Amorim, died after being brutally beaten and burned alive by members of the public on Wednesday night (19), in Senador Canedo. He was suspected of having committed rape and attempted femicide and had recently been released from prison.

According to the Police, the man had managed to leave the prison, through a release permit, while he was being investigated for crimes against a person.

Motivated by revenge, the victim's relatives approached Carlos and took him to an isolated location. It was in this space that the suspects beat him and set his body on fire.

The Military Police (PM) were informed about the situation through a complaint and immediately went to the address where the crime occurred.

At the scene, the military found the man with several injuries, lying on the floor, next to a gallon that would have been used to commit the fire.

He had 80% of his body burned and was taken by the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU) to the Goiânia Emergency Hospital (Hugol), where he did not survive and was confirmed dead. The case is currently being investigated by the Civil Police (PC).

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