Alabama Cops Fatally Shoot Armed Suspect

Submitted on 05/10/2021 by: Wicked
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At approximately 10:50 p.m. Sunday, April 4, the Birmingham 911 Communication Division received a call stating that two people were involved in a domestic disturbance inside a vehicle in North Birmingham.

911 dispatchers were able to locate the car and send out the location to officers via police radio.

North Precinct officers observed the vehicle in the 300 block of 9th Avenue West.

Officers said they attempted to stop the vehicle, but the driver, Desmon Ray, refused to stop.

Officers said Ray hit a fence in the 200 block of 9th Avenue West stopping the vehicle.

Ray then got out and investigators said he confronted officers with a firearm. Chief Smith said Ray fired one round at officers and an officer returned fire striking Ray.

Ray died at UAB Hospital.

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