Anti-corruption lawyer shot and killed by hitman in a pastry shop

Submitted on 04/15/2024 by: marsey
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Shooting Colombia 19,011 views

Cúcuta, Colombia

The citizen observer and lawyer of the city of Cúcuta, Jaime Vásquez, suffered a hitman attack while he was in a pastry shop in the La Rivera neighborhood.

Jaime Vásquez stood out for his tireless work as a citizen observer in Cúcuta, uncovering numerous cases of corruption that plagued the region. His commitment to truth and justice made him a recognized and respected figure in the community, but also put him in the crosshairs of those he targeted.

This morning, Vásquez was surprised by hitmen while he was in a pastry shop, receiving multiple shots that took his life. Preliminary information shows that the communicator and social leader was attacked with a firearm on several occasions by a man who, after committing the crime, fled on a motorcycle.

This act of indiscriminate violence not only claimed the life of Vásquez, but also left another citizen who was there injured, evidencing the brutality and risk faced by those who dare to raise their voices against corruption.

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