Florida: man slapping coffee out of McDonald's manager's hands, causing burns

Submitted on 10/06/2023 by: Wicked
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A man has been arrested after a heated exchange at a Miami Springs McDonald's drive-thru left a manager with hot coffee burns.

According to police, the initial argument began over the price of coffee at the McDonald's at 4999 Northwest 36th Street.

Detectives said the incident happened on August 25th, when 64-year-old Elizar Ravelo pulled up to the McDonald's drive-thru window and got into an argument with an employee about how much he was being charged.

He then got into an argument with the manager, who reportedly told him she did not like the way he was treating her employees and warned him that if he continued he would not be allowed back at the restaurant.

Police said Ravelo began to verbally assault her and threatened to throw coffee on her.

The manager, Stephanie Restuccia, spoke to NBC6 following the incident and said she was surprised by Ravelo's actions.

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