Sicko Stabs His EX 28 Times

Submitted on 11/23/2024 by: Wicked
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Other Argentina 83,391 views

What happened in a pizzeria in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Núñez was truly atrocious and the security cameras of the place witnessed it: a 41-year-old man stabbed his ex-partner because she did not want to have a conversation with him at his workplace. He stabbed her more than 28 times.

The 45-year-old victim survived the attack with cuts to her abdomen, left arm, back and neck, and was not in danger of dying . The woman's co-worker and two other men came to her defense as best they could, desperate to save her.

The aggressor, meanwhile, injured himself in the neck when he saw himself surrounded by the City Police shouting: "My daughter does not love me ." He was sent by SAME to the Pirovano Hospital and, after being discharged, was arrested . He was accused of attempted murder in the context of gender violence .

It all happened on Monday at 8:45 p.m. at the “Big Pizza” store on Quesada 2300, on the corner of Cabildo Avenue. Police from the 13B Neighborhood Police Station of the City Police arrived there after being patrolled by a person. They were informed about a violent attack by a man on a woman.

“The attacker showed up at the scene with the intention of starting a conversation with his ex-partner and, when the woman refused, he attacked her,” police sources explained. The violence of the attack was extreme: the attacker stabbed her repeatedly while she was sitting on the floor without the possibility of defending herself .

In this context, one of the victim's coworkers, a 22-year-old Peruvian, threw pepper spray at the attacker. He was not the only one who wanted to save her ; another man also helped the woman escape. They wanted to stop him with wood and sticks .

With the victim safe , the attacker was locked in the shop until the police arrived. When they arrived, the officers found him in a state of agitation, shouting that “his daughter did not love him” and threatening to take his own life. At that moment, he began to self-harm with the knife that he had stabbed his ex-wife with almost 30 times : he cut himself in the neck.

An officer intervened to contain him and stop the bleeding until the arrival of an ambulance from the Emergency Medical Care System (SAME) , which transferred him to the Pirovano Hospital . The victim, for his part, was also taken to the same medical center. Although he suffered significant injuries, there is no risk of death and was about to be discharged, according to reports.

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