Female Clerk Shot in Colombia

Submitted on 11/10/2022 by: Wicked
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Robbery Colombia 46,311 views


Awoman who worked in a cell phone store was the victim of a thief; that she shot him twice , after she had handed him two mobile devices.

According to the images of the security cameras, the subject arrived at noon; to the establishment located in the El Poblado neighborhood , eastern Cali.

Also read: New case of insecurity: woman opposed a robbery and was shot

In addition, it looks like from one moment to another, he takes out a gun and points it at the young woman who had already given him two cell phones . After noticing that she was trying to buy time, the criminal shot her at the height of the cough.

Although it was known that it was a traumatic weapon , the woman caused injuries to her shoulder.

Finally, the merchants of the sector hope that this thief will be caught ; thanks to the images of the security cameras.

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