Deadly Shooting In Baltimore

Submitted on 11/22/2022 by: Wicked
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Shooting United States 7,361 views


Dashcam video shows the final seconds of the deadly confrontation between Timothy Reynolds and a group of squeegee workers last summer in downtown Baltimore.

The video shows Reynolds walking to a car holding a baseball bat as a group of squeegee workers follow behind. Then, Reynolds appears to chase the squeegee boys while swinging the bat before one of the squeegee boys pulls out a gun and fires at least five shots.

The video does not show Reynolds' initial interactions with the squeegee workers.

Reynolds was shot and killed during an altercation with some squeegee workers on July 7 at the intersection of Light and Conway streets.

Police said there was an initial confrontation between the workers and Reynolds, who parked his car and got out armed with the bat. He was advancing toward the group when he was shot, police said.

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