Bus Driver Has Seizure, Biker Gang Seeks Revenge

Submitted on 11/12/2023 by: glittercannon
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Accident India 10,351 views


Rohini, Delhi, India, 11.4.23, 2:42 p.m.

Meet S.K. He's an electric bus driver. Well, after today, he used to be.

He caused a multi-vehicle collision, killed a 30-ish rickshaw driver, injured another sorry bastard driver, and mowed down an entire row of biker gang's hogs.

The bus was nearly empty, and the car driver is in hospital.

Our boy S.K. is mysterious. Some sources claim he was rushed to hospital in critical condition. Some say he was detained by police, during which he claimed to suffer from epilepsy. Perhaps both.

What I do know is that the local chapter of the Hell's Angels Dotheads wants blood.

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