A man accused of rape is beaten and set on fire (Probably Haiti)

Submitted on 01/24/2025 by: zeppelin666
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In the information found, there are two versions:

1/ The guy was accused of rape, but was quickly released from prison for lack of sufficient evidence.

The victim's relatives then took him to an isolated spot, burned his genitals, cut off his ear and finally killed him.

2/ In the second version, it was the BWA group. A movement that fights gangs in Haiti and often treats them in this way, i.e. by burning them.



I added Johnny CASh's famous song “Ring of Fire” (without removing the original sound).


Once again, I had created a good quality file: 406 MB

I had to compress it (again) to 97 MB, to keep it under the 100 MB limit.

(It's extra work, especially if I have to recut etc etc )...

And it's a shame for the quality.

Here, from 406 to 97Mo , it's obvious

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