A painful death

Submitted on 04/04/2024 by: cacique
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Man throws himself from the top of the Light Rail in Tlaquepaque; dies in hospital

Has not yet been identified; After jumping into the void, he hit his head and caused injuries from which he could no longer recover.

A man aged approximately 40 took his own life this morning while starting from the top of the light Train Line 3 in Tlaquepaque, Jalisco.

The guy went up and sneaked into the area of ​​the train tracks, at Nova Usina Tlaquepaque. A handrail was passed there, while some rescue elements arrived.

As rescuers and others looked into the distance, the man caused Line 3 to be suspended for commuters.

It didn't take long for the man to decide to throw himself into the void, suffering serious injuries.

One person managed to understand the exact moment when the man threw himself and jumped, hitting his head. The guy later lost his life.

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