Taking Selfies Gone Wrong

Submitted on 08/14/2023 by: BruceLeroy
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Accident United States 144,781 views


OAK PARK, Ill. — Two people were injured, one critically, after officials said at least one of them touched an energized CTA rail at a stop in Oak Park.

According to officials, the two people and a group of friends were going to Lollapalooza when they decided to jump down onto the tracks to take pictures and a man touched an energized rail.

The incident happened around 7:30 p.m. at the Ridgeland Green Line CTA station in the 300 block of South Boulevard.

Another person, a woman, who also jumped down to take pictures, was also injured possibly trying to help the male. On Sunday, officials said they aren’t sure if she was shocked.

Several of their friends jumped down and were able to help remove them from the tracks, officials said.

The man was in cardiac arrest and taken to a hospital in critical condition, officials said. The female was conscious and also taken to a hospital.

As of Sunday, the man is still in critical condition and his long-term prognosis is still unknown at this time, officials said.

A spokesperson for the village said no firefighters were injured and they are being monitored for stress-related injuries.

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