Florida Woman Crashes Police Car, Kills 2 And Herself

Submitted on 02/07/2024 by: Wicked
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A Florida woman stole a deputy sheriff’s patrol car and led authorities on a high-speed chase before crashing head-on with oncoming traffic — killing herself and two others on Thursday.

“This moron stole a police vehicle and killed two human beings,” Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods told reporters at a press conference Friday.

Deputies were responding to a “suspicious incident” involving a woman — later identified as Kendra Boone, 33 — reportedly trying to snatch an elderly woman’s keys at a shopping center in Silver Springs, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Chris Witte responded in his patrol SUV around 2 p.m. and instructed Boone, who approached his car, to head to the back of his vehicle as he briefly stepped out, the sheriff said.

But Boone instead jumped into the deputy’s vehicle — which was running with the key in the ignition — through the open passenger window and slid behind the wheel in a matter of seconds, bodycam video shows.

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