Customer beatdown by Toppers Pizza employees(with sound)

Submitted on 09/19/2023 by: Wicked
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four pizza chain employees pounce on and pummel a customer after he refused to leave from behind the counter of the restaurant.

The insane footage opens with the man trying to grab a Toppers Pizza employee by the arms while the worker screams at him to “get out!”

That’s when the employee hurled a fist at the customer — narrowly missing his face — which caused an all-out brawl as other customers looked on and jeered.

Two other employees quickly jumped to their colleague’s aid and tried to hold the customer back by yanking on his slowly shredding shirt.

All three Toppers workers, including one female, were noticeably smaller than the aggravated patron but managed to pack several powerful punches against the towering man.

“Don’t touch me! Get out!” the first wrestling worker screamed.

The man pushed the female worker away by the neck and seemed to calm down — but only for a moment.

He charged toward one of the workers and volleyed multiple punches, forcing the worker to drop to the pizza joint floor.

A third worker — who had initially remained neutral — tapped in and began smacking the shopper’s head.

A worker threw a punch, narrowly missing the target, after the customer grabbed him by the hands.

ppers employees pounced on the customer and attacked him from all angles.

One man tried to drag the patron down by hanging onto his leg, while the female smacked him repeatedly in the face.

“Get your f–king hands off of me!” she screamed as customers encouraged the group to “Jump him!”

Another worker grabbed the man from beneath his legs and through his crotch in an apparent attempt to flip him, but the customer proved too bulky.

After taking turns throwing punches, all four employees pounced on the customer.

He ultimately managed to free himself from the brawling foursome, but with his shirt nearly ripped off and his buttocks exposed.

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