Courageous landlord stabs one of the robbers trying to plunder his pub

Submitted on 01/10/2014 by: Headless
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Newly release video: Steve Lewis, 51, fought back and stabbed one of the raiders after they subjected him and wife Vicky to a terrifying ordeal at the Ship Inn, Briggate.

Glen Hossack, 37, is the only member of the gang to be caught more than a year after the incident. He was jailed yesterday (January 9) for six years after pleading guilty to robbery.

The gang burst into the pub shortly after closing time on December 23 2012 and tied a member of staff up in the bar area. The men armed themselves with a hammer, knife and bottle of tequila, before targeting the couple as they were upstairs in the living quarters.

One man held a knife to Mrs Lewis’s throat and threatened to “start slashing” unless she showed him where the safe was. Mr Lewis was punched and kicked.

The robbers were given £2,500 in cash before Mrs Lewis ran to the second floor and climbed out onto the window ledge. She considered jumping because she was so frightened but managed to barricade herself into a cupboard.

Mr Lewis was taken back down into the bar and ordered to hand over more cash from the tills. He grabbed two knives from the kitchen area and was seen on CCTV lashing out at one of the men before the gang fled.

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