Buffalo Mass Shooter Rushed by Victim's Family

Submitted on 02/16/2023 by: Wicked
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Anger boiled over Wednesday as Buffalo mass shooter Payton Gendron was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility parole, with a judge telling the 19-year-old he deserved "no mercy" and a victim's family member lunging at him in the courtroom.

After hearing emotional statements from the families of the victims, Erie County Court Judge Susan Eagan imposed the mandatory sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole, saying, "Our characters are being tested, the future of our nation is at stake."

"There is no place for you or your ignorant, hateful and evil ideologies in a civilized society. There can be no mercy for you, no understanding, no second chances. The damage you have caused is too great and the people you have hurt are too valuable to this community," Eagan told Gendron. "You will never see the light of day as a free man ever again."

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