Intoxicated Man Armed With Plastic Fork Shot And Killed By LAPD Officers

Submitted on 02/21/2024 by: Wicked
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The incident happened Feb. 3 off Towne Avenue near the Skid Row area. Officers responded to the area after receiving a call of a man who was possibly intoxicated and was reportedly threatening employees with a stick at a manufacturing business.

Authorities say the suspect, 36-year-old Jason Maccani, was holding what they say appeared to be a knife or screwdriver and avoided verbal commands as he advanced towards officers.

Police responded to a call of a man who was possibly intoxicated and was reportedly threatening employees with a stick at a manufacturing business.

He was first shot with less-lethal foam pellets and bean bag rounds. When those appeared to not work, an officer opened fire and struck him.

The object believed to be a knife turned out to be a white plastic fork.

Maccani was taken to a hospital where he later died.

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