Additional video and article following lollymollyholly's Post

Submitted on 10/10/2024 by: zeppelin666
play again watch more videos like this one The world is fucked, a compilation. QUINTUPLE PENETRATION?! It was trying to run Murder suspect sets himself on fire while surrounded by Akron officers Trio Of Thieves Tortured With Molten Plastic Dominican Drug Lord Assasinated(aftermath) Three Kidnappers Found Burnt Criminals steal prison van with their friend inside
Other Turkey 46,101 views

In Fatih, Istanbul, someone decapitated a woman and threw her off the walls of Edirnekapı. After the incident, the individual jumped off the walls to commit suicide, and the horrific moments were captured by a cell phone camera.

See the initial post , by lollymollyholly

Here is the link

And the many comments already written on October 05, 2024.

Mine is just a complement , more an article about this event ...

ARTICLE :(You can easily find other articles with this minimal information)



(Bonus at 0'42" , i don't cuted the Upload)

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