Armed woman enters police station, fires several shots before getting arrested

Submitted on 10/20/2023 by: Wicked
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Police say Suzanne Laprise, 51, fired multiple rounds at bulletproof windows and glass doors.

According to CT Insider, Laprise was yelling that if officers didn’t kill her, she would shoot them.

The department says officers tried speaking with Laprise to deescalate the situation, yet she continued shooting.

From behind a glass door, one officer returned two shots, which also did not penetrate the bulletproof glass.

Video shows officers peeking out of the glass door, and making their move after Laprise briefly placed her gun on a bench.

Officers then charged toward her with their guns drawn, but used a Taser to take down Laprise.

A second angle shows officers swarming Laprise and putting her in handcuffs.

CT Inside also reported that Laprise had just left a bar, where she allegedly told a woman that she was depressed, and that she had a son with Down syndrome and a daughter who had recently spent time in jail. She reportedly took the gun from her boyfriend, who was a retired NYPD officer.

Laprisse is being held on a $3 million bond, and has been charged with: Criminal Attempt/Murder with Special Circumstance; Illegal Discharge of Firearm; Illegal carry of firearms under the influence of drug/alcohol; Criminal use of Weapon; Violation of Pistol Permit Requirements; Illegal Possession of Large Capacity Magazine; Criminal Mischief 1st Degree; Reckless Endangerment 1st Degree; and Breach of Peace 2nd Degree.

Repairs to the bulletproof glass are estimated to cost around $40,000.

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