Hallucinated truck driver jumps out of truck, which hits PRF station

Submitted on 01/30/2024 by: bigal420
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Accident Brazil 9,241 views


Goiânia – A driver was arrested red-handed after jumping out of a moving truck. The vehicle crashed into the pole of an operational unit of the Federal Highway Police (PRF) on BR-153, in the capital of Goiás, last Saturday (04/30/2022).

According to the PRF, the driver assumed that he had taken four “rivet” tablets, an amphetamine that can cause hallucinations.

Furthermore, the driver claimed that he was being followed by a “strange creature”.

Drivers contacted the PRF reporting that the truck driver was making risky maneuvers and changing lanes suddenly, which forced other vehicles to brake and even leave the road, to prevent a collision.

After receiving the complaint from drivers, the PRF set up a barrier in front of the PRF operational unit in Goiânia. When the truck approached, the driver did not obey the order to stop and jumped out of the moving vehicle. He fell rolling onto the asphalt and was almost run over.

Out of control, the truck climbed onto the grass in the area where the PRF base is located and knocked down road signs and protective walls. The vehicle only stopped when it hit an electricity pole.

The truck driver, whose identity was not disclosed, said he was traveling from the interior of São Paulo to Brasília, and was transporting 20 tons of oranges.

The professional must respond for qualified damage, for driving with altered psychomotor capacity due to a psychoactive substance, and for driving putting the lives of others in danger.

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