Taking out the trash: Privileged Criminal-Minded Creeps Are Listening, Recording, and Watching You! For third-party advertising, of course

Submitted on 01/07/2024 by: bigjimswornout
play again watch more videos like this one Dumbasses caught in the act! main attraction of the party Y'all got Lizards in your house? Meanwhile In Ohio A Bougnoule stabbed a man in the back of the neck after he was accidentally pushed. Another Lovely Day In Haiti Aftermath Of The Bath Salt Goblin Jumping Into Random Taxi I guess that didn't hurt
WTF United States 7,481 views


Protect yourself from cellular phone corporation corruption and the shady privileged members of our nation. Those people have turned your privacy into a trillion-dollar cash cow. Evict them from your lives and fight back against those twisted-minded parasites!

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