Pharmacy Robbers Crash During Police Chase In Detroit

Submitted on 06/26/2023 by: Wicked
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- Three robbery suspects left a trail of carnage in their path after targeting a pharmacy in Livonia, assaulting one of its employees, before fleeing in a high-speed chase down I-96.

They eventually left the highway after police started chasing them, crashing into one sports car and then a minivan with four people inside. After they struck a utility pole, the suspects fled the scene before being arrested on June 16.

The suspects, identified as Dwayne Brown, 29, of Detroit, Quentin Bridges, 23, of Detroit, and Alonzo White, 19, of Oak Park, have all been charged with unarmed robbery and larceny in connection with a ‘takeover’ robbery at Ray's Pharmacy, where they stole cash and more than a hundred bottles of prescription drugs.

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