Black Woman Punched by Ohio Cop

Submitted on 01/19/2023 by: Wicked
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Two Ohio police officers are under investigation after a witness filmed a cop viciously punch a Black woman in the face while making an arrest.

The video came to light on Tuesday, when local news outlet Dayton 24/7 shared footage on Facebook from a bystander showing a Butler Township officer repeatedly punching the woman.

In the clip, two police officers can be seen standing in front of their police cruiser in a parking lot while moving to restrain the woman, identified by her attorney’s office as Latinka Hancock.

At the beginning of the footage, which has no sound, Hancock can be seen speaking to the officers as she tries to push them away. A cop on the left, identified by Butler Township Chief of Police John Porter as Tim Zellers, appears to be pointing a stun gun in his right hand at Hancock. Meanwhile, an officer to the right, identified as Sergeant Todd Stanley, holds her arm and shoulder.

At one point, Hancock appears to wave her hands around, and Stanley punches her in the face multiple times until Hancock falls back on the hood of the cruiser. The officers then hold Hancock against the car as Zellers handcuffs her.

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