Officer Shoot and Kill Suspect in Shreveport, Louisiana

Submitted on 05/06/2023 by: queefrobber
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The man shot by police in the video has been identified by the Caddo Coroner's Office as Joseph Dewayne Taylor, 33, of Shreveport.

This started as a traffic stop just after 9:30 p.m. In the video, officers can be seen struggling with Taylor on the ground.

Police said the SPD officers realized Taylor was armed. The officers jumped back and at least one shot is fired.

Taylor died about 30 minutes later at Ochsner LSU Health. The investigation has been turned over to Louisiana State Police.

"There were no officers injured. We would ask that everyone keep all of the people involved in their thoughts and prayers," SPD Sgt Angie Willhite said Sunday night.

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