Snap! Cop breaks arm of arrested carnival visitor cause of his T Shrt

Submitted on 03/04/2019 by: Wicked
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Lawyer Geovani Doratioto, 29, was beaten and had his arm broken by police officers inside the central police station in Atibaia on Sunday afternoon (3). Recorded by his girlfriend, the images were sent to the Police Department of the State of São Paulo.

Doratioto is president of the PT of Atibaia and wore a "free Lula" T-shirt when he was surrounded by a group of opponents in the center of the city. He was beaten twice and taken in handcuffs to the police station.

According to his account, everything began around 3pm, in the Bonecões folio of Atibaia. "We were campaigning against the harassment at Carnival, when a group started to provoke me, especially because I was wearing the free Lula shirt," says Geovani.

The lawyer, who had his fractured humerus and temporarily lost some of his left hand movements, says he was called a satan because he was wearing his T-shirt.

"At first we did not care. Our goal there was not to make a counterpoint to Bolsonaro. But, yes, warn against harassment at Carnival, "he says.

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