2022: New Mexico house party gets shot up, you can hear the bullets whizz nearby

Submitted on 02/24/2024 by: colorskitties
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Shooting United States 65,351 views


This is an interesting video, here's the run down

It starts off with this online post, some house party in New Mexico Albuquerque is inviting everyone who sees to this wicked, kinda fucked up teen party which is most nowadays. Anyways people show up, and a car is circling around the house and opens fires, according to witnesses.

3 people are injured, and 1 winds up dead. It was some sort of really sloppy drive-by shooting. Now this is the weird part, I'm looking for information about what happened here, and according to one of the guys, who knew someone who died there, nobody actually died from the bullets, it was rather a girl who was struck by a car, likely fleeing.

Me personally, I don't believe this, it's easy to lie on the internet. On this news source I found though, it said 1 was shot in the neck, all 3 victims were drove to the hospital, and one died there. I'd say that was likely the killer. The bullets whizzing by sounds badass, and scary. Reminds me of some old ww2 footage I came around.

Does anyone watching have any stories alike? If so, I'd love to read them

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